Train Tracks No Vegitation

Detail Herbicide

Detail™ offers versatile results when tank mixed with Arsenal® Powerline or glyphosate and it has an applicator-friendly liquid formulation that provides convenient handling and mixing. With a new mode of action means fast, effective and lasting results on tough-to-control weeds.

How It Works

Detail is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides, railroads, utility rights-of-way and forestry sites. Detail offers quick and complete burndown as well as residual control of Group 2-, 4- and glyphosate-resistant kochia and other tough-to-control broadleaf weeds. Featuring a new mode of action that inhibits the production of an enzyme in plants, Detail speeds the burn-down of existing weeds without disrupting translocation to the roots.  As a tank-mix partner, Detail controls existing weeds that have developed a resistance to other commonly used herbicides and provides excellent broadleaf control (145-435 mL/ha).  

Detail can be tank-mixed with many other commonly used products, including Arsenal,  Overdrive,  glyphosate and phenoxy herbicides to greatly improve the spectrum of control you need. Detail is non-volatile, has limited mobility in the soil, and shows no antagonism with slow-acting ALS chemistry.


Weeds Controlled

Detail offers effective control of a variety of weeds including:

  • Common and giant ragweed
  • Common sunflower
  • Kochia
  • Knotweed
  • Lambsquarter
  • Pigweed
  • Russion Thistle
  • Wild Mustard
  • Leafy spurge

A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Detail product label.  

Additional Resources

Labels and SDS

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